
#モジュラーシンセ #トラベル #ケース
Intellijel Designs Atlx 次回入荷分
AtlxAtlantix ExpanderPatching HeavenAdds 14 dedicated ouputs and a Ring Mod to the already powerful …
Intellijel Designs Atlantix 次回入荷分
AtlantixDual Oscillator Subtractive Analog Synth VoiceIt's MassiveThe Atlantix is a complete analog …
Intellijel Designs Sealegs
Multi-Model Stereo Character Delay with ReverbIt's all gone a bit wobblySealegs is a collection of e…
Intellijel Designs Tangrams
Dual ADSR/VCA with Cycling Gate PulsersPush (or Pulse) the EnvelopeSnappy, classically analog envelo…
Intellijel Designs Stomp 次回入荷分
Effects Pedal Send/Return w/Expression Control & LFOPut Your Pedal to the MetalExpand your palet…
Intellijel Designs Cascadia Semi Modular Synthesizer 次回入荷分
CascadiaAdvanced, Performance-Oriented, Semi-Modular SynthesizerENJOY Intellijel's first Semi Modula…
Intellijel Designs Flurry
Flurry Noise, Clock/Random Pulse, S&H/T&H, and Slew/Envelope FollowerA veritable storm …
Intellijel Designs Amps
AmpsDual, Multi-Function and Chainable VCAGet AmpedAmps contains two precision linear VCAs that have…
Intellijel Designs Quad VCA
Quad voltage controlled amplifier and cascaded mixer The Quad VCA is a compact and feature packed mo…
Intellijel Quadrax Quad Function/Burst Generator/LFO with CV Matrix
Whether you are exploring the unique channel functions, CV modulation matrix or chaining options, it…
Intellijel Designs Bifold デュアルチャンネル Wavefolder
Into the FoldsBifold is a unique dual channel wavefolder with numerous feedback and routing options …
Intellijel Designs Plonk
Plonk Physical modeling percussion synthesizer Plonk uses a technique known as physical modellin…
Intellijel Designs Shifty
Shifty Voice Allocator / Note Hocketing / Analog Shift Register The Shifty is essentially a combin…
Intellijel Designs Cylonix Rainmaker
Cylonix Rainmaker 16-tap stereo spectral rhythm delay and comb resonator The Intellijel/Cylonix …
Intellijel Designs Metropolix 次回入荷分
The Intellijel Metropolix is a unique and powerful multitrack Eurorack musical sequencer. With an ab…
Intellijel Designs Gx -Gate Expander
Open up the gatesExpand the functionality of the modules like Metropolix with eight additional gate/…
Intellijel Designs Scales
Scales Dual Channel Note Quantizer and Sequencer Make Anything Musical Your modular system is a…
Intellijel Designs Planar ll
Recordable Vector Joystick Modulator Joy The most complex modulator is you. The Planar 2 puts ma…
Intellijel Designs Audio I/O
Audio I/O (2023)Dual/Stereo Eurorack / Balanced Line Level Audio InterfaceBetter TogetherDual Balanc…
Intellijel Designs Triplatt
TriplattTriple Attenuator / Inverter / Attenuverter / Multiplier / Adder / Mixer / DC Voltage Source…
Intellijel Designs Tetrapad
Tetrapad Multi-Dimensional Performance Touch Controller Tetrapad is a versatile, multi-dimensional,…
Intellijel Designs Tête - Tetrapad エキスパンダー
Tête Adds Looping/Sequencing, CV control, and Presets to the Tetrapad Intelligence for your…
Intellijel Designs Steppy
A Compact Module with Room to Play Steppy is a 4-track programmable gate sequencer with eight inter…
Intellijel Designs Dixie II +
FULL-FEATURED TRIANGLE CORE VCO/LFO The Dixie II+ is a larger variant of the classic Dixie II. Us…
Intellijel Designs Polaris
Polaris Versatile Multimode VCF + Phaser The Polaris is a 4-stage cascaded OTA filter designed by …
Intellijel Designs Buff Mult
Buff MultBuffered MultipleMighty MultiplierMultiply one audio/CV signal into six perfect copies or t…
Intellijel Designs Mixup
Chainable Mono / Stereo Audio Utility Mixer Mixup is a versatile, expandable audio mixer for euro…
Intellijel Designs Cylonix Shapeshifter
Cylonix Shapeshifter Dual Complex Morphable Wavetable VCO Cylonix and Intellijel have collaborat…
Intellijel Designs Morgasmatron
Morgasmatron Dual Multimode Self-Oscillating VCF and Crossfader This is the third generation of …
Intellijel Designs Rubicon ll
Analog Triangle Core Thru-Zero FM VCO Proudly Analog This is not a set it and forget it oscillat…
Intellijel Designs Springray 2
Springray2 Versatile Real Spring Tank Reverb Module Physical Analog A true spring reverb is an …
Intellijel Designs Dual ADSR
Dual slider based ADSR envelope The circuit is based in part on the Roland SH-101 / System100m de…
Intellijel Designs µVCF
Introducing the µVCF state variable filter. This is another great David Dixon filter design. It i…
Intellijel Designs µMIDI
USB/DIN MIDI voice and clock interface The µMIDI provides all the essentials to control and sync …
Intellijel Designs OR
logical OR / gate combiner This module allows you to combine different logic source (triggers, gate…