Maneco Labs Sweet 16 Digital Delay ローファイ ループディレイ 次回入荷分

Manecolooper Sweet 16 Digital Delay
Made in Uruguay by Maneco Urquhart...


  • Delay and looper
  • Based on legendary ehx sixteen seconds delay from 1983
  • Continuos recording in bypass vintage mode
  • Reverse and double / half speed / time
  • Up to 64 seconds recording time
  • Tap tempo and continuos time / sample rate control
  • Modulation for delay time / pitch
  • Expression pedal input for sample rate

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Maneco Labs Sweet 16 Digital Delay ローファイ ループディレイ 次回入荷分

販売価格: 56,900円

重さ: 2lb


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