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Erica Synths Black STEREO DELAY 2 次回入荷分

販売価格: 48,900円

重さ: 1lb


The Erica Synths Black Stereo Delay is a hi-fi stereo delay with a lot of unique features based on our custom DSP engine. Tape, BBD and digital delay emulations with three modes, each accompanied with delay time, feedback, tone and stereo spread controls allow for designing extremely delicate effects. CV control over various parameters and the ability to save up to 10 presets will make this module an integral part of any performance rack. Delay effects are developed by Dutch company


  • Tape, BBD and digital delay types
  • Three modes for each type
  • Tap and clock synchronization of delay time
  • 10 preset patches
  • CV control over delay time, feedback, tone and preset selection
  • Adjustable stereo delay spread

The modules run on new Erica Synths DSP hardware and the effects are developed in collaboration with Dutch company 112dB who make some of the most beautiful sounding effects.

Erica Black Series include high-end, unique functionality and superior quality modules. Only the best, highest-quality components are used, all inputs and outputs are protected against undesired overvoltage. Erica Black Series consist of range of modules that are needed to put together entire synth.

Technical specifications:

Max audio input level before clipping16Vptp
CV input range (full span)-5V - +5V
Sampling frequency48kHz, 24bit
Delay time3..3000ms
Audio codecs-108 dynamic range, -98dB THD+N
Power consumption120mA@+12V, 39mA@-12V
Module width12HP
Module depth35mm


Manuals book


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