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ALM Busy Circuits MEGA-TANG

販売価格: 48,900円

重さ: 1lb


The ‘MEGA-TANG’ is a 4-channel linear VCA and stereo mixer providing per input control over level, effect send, pan and muting. Designed for live use in mind with a simple & compact layout, the ‘MEGA-TANG’ builds on the clean and transparent sounding Tangle Quartet VCA by adding a stereo mix output, effect sends (mono send with a stereo return) which pair great with the MFX, manual panning, soft mute buttons with LED indicators and an expansion port for future expandability.

Individual VCA outputs are available which remove the channel from the main mix (useful for cueing and monitoring). All signals are Euro level and bar the effects return, DC coupled for CV use as well as audio.


  • 4 Channel stereo mixer and VCA with per channel send, pan, mute and level controls.
  • 4 high quality clean, bleed free linear VCA’s.
  • Mutes include LED indication and soft close circuits to help avoid clicks.
  • Mono effects send with stereo return.
  • Stereo mix output plus individual channel outputs (channel is removed from the mix when patched).
  • Utilises 2164 VCA IC’s for high performance with low noise and low signal distortion.
  • DC coupled inputs to support both audio and CV signals.
  • Expansion port for future expandability.
  • Reverse polarity protection.
  • Skiff friendly.
  • Designed and Made in the UK.

Technical Specifications

Power: +12V 125ma -12V 125ma

Size: 16HP

Depth: 32mm

Attenuation: approx -70db



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