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Black Noise Modular SLEW-LFO

販売価格: 20,900円

重さ: 1lb


As is name implied you could think that SLEW/LFO is just a Slew and a LFO packed together but it more than that.

We wanted to design a module around the Slew generator which is a underestimate function of a synth. It often seen and use as a way to make portamento but we've thought it could be more than that.

We wanted to design a small module so it could fit in any case. We want it to be ergonomic and easy to use despite is size. But we also wanted to pack as much features as possible to make of it a "swiss knife module".

The result is SLEW/LFO a 4HP width module, that can be use a portamento, AD envelope, LFO, VCO, Filter, Envelope generator and much more.

SLEW/LFO is so versatile that we use in all our patchs, we are very please about it and we hope you'll like as much as we are.

Panel Width

Module Depth
20mm (skiff friendly)

Power Consumption
+12V : 24mA
-12V : 16mA
+5V : 0mA



Build Instructions

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