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Black Noise Modular EG-LFO II

販売価格: 15,900円

重さ: 1lb


As its name implie, EG LFO is composed of an Envelope Generator and an LFO.

The envelope generator offer control over Rise time, the Hold and the Fall time. Two range of envelope are available, slow and fast. You can also modify the  speed off the fast mode using the speed expander on the back of the module.
On outputs you will find the envelope output and a inverted copy of the envelope.

EG LFO II also feature a LFO mode, speed can be control using rise and fall control. Two speed mode are available, LFO range in slow mode and audio range in fast mode. You can modify the  speed off the fast mode using the speed expander on the back of the module.
On output you will find the LFO output and a inverted copy of the LFO.

Panel Width

Module Depth
20mm (skiff friendly)

Power Consumption
+12V : 22mA
-12V : 17mA
+5V : 0mA




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