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2hp Slice 次回入荷分

販売価格: 24,900円

重さ: 1lb


The 2hp Slice is a compact beat repeat/glitch engine built to add click-less stutters, digital glitches, and more to your patch. With an onboard Triplet toggle, seamlessly include and remove triplets from the Size range, perfect for those trap style fills you can't live without. With massive repeat range, and CV/Gate inputs for complex glitch sequencing, Slice is everything you need to get glitchy with it, all in 2HP.

  • Beat Repeat/Glitch Engine

  • Create complex stutters and digital aliasing

  • Dedicated Triplet toggle/gate input

  • Click-less Glitching

Tech Specs

  • Width: 2HP

  • Depth: 45mm

  • Power Consumption: +12V=85mA, -12V=7mA, +5V=0mA

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