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Pulp Logic Halliburton Eurorack Modular Travel Case #7048 売却済


PULP LOGIC ハリバートン ユーロラック モジュラー トラベルケース #7048



みんなモジュールには結構お金をかけるのに、ケースにはあまりお金をかけたがらない方が多い様です... 私はその考えとは逆なんです。丈夫で、かつ自分の個性や美意識が表れるようなケースが好きです。
そこで、私は、美しく、オリジナリティがあり、かつ丈夫な、世界にひとつだけのケースを作りたいと思いました。Vintage Halliburtonのケースは、そんな私の要望をすべて叶えてくれるものでした。実際、このケースはあらゆる種類の旅行でのタフなコンディションに耐えられるように設計されていますし、その上、見た目もクールです。この宇宙的なデザインで、あなたのモジュールを保護し、ショーで目立つことも間違いないでしょう。ビートルズがこのケースで旅をしている写真や、アポロ11号の宇宙飛行士が月の石をハリバートンのケースに入れて地球に持ち帰った写真もありますね!

ハリバートンのケースは、様々なシーンを想定して作られています。BPNYCでは、これらのケースをEurorack Modular Casesに変換して、ユニークなケースを作りたいと考えています。





このケースはおそらく1960年代のものだと思いますが、丈夫な作りなのでこの先60年も余裕で使えるでしょう!キズが多かったので、こちらはクリーニングと研磨でエアストリームのトラベルトレーラーのようにピカピカになりました!!!! Pulp Logicのジョンさん、素晴らしい仕事をありがとうございました。

7U Case = 3U+1U(pulp logic style)+3U 96hp/Row

Pulp logic power

2amps +12

2amps -12

2amps +5

comes with tile splitters for Pulp Logic 1U tile modules...

Pulp Logic Halliburton Eurorack Modular Travel Case #7048

One of a kind eurorack modular case!

I used to work at vintage clothing store in NYC. One day customer brought in 2 Vintage Halliburton travel case. That was the first time I actually learned about this cool travel case.

I fell in love with this space age/spy movie/durable design and aluminum material right away. Since then I always wanted one for myself but never had an opportunity for some reason.

In Eurorack modular world, case is essential to power up the module and also to protect modules…

Everybody spends hundreds of dollars on their modules but a lot of them don’t like to spend much on their cases… I have a completely opposite of that idea. I would want a case that’s durable and also shows your character and aesthetic.

That’s when I realized that I wanted to do make one of a kind case that’s beautiful and original, also strong. Vintage Halliburton case fulfilled all my needs on that. Indeed these cases are designed to survive tough condition on all sorts of traveling and on top of that they look cool. It will protect your modules and you will stand out at the show with this space looking design. You can find pictures of Beatles traveling with this case or Apollo 11 Astronauts carry moon rocks back to earth in a Halliburton case!!!

These cases are made for different scenarios. They are made as for traveling/camera equipment/business brief case… at BPNYC we would like to convert these cases into one of a kind Eurorack Modular Cases!!!

Here is how it works to build each one of this unique case:

1.finding a right size case that’s suitable for Eurorack.

2.get rid of unnecessary parts and clean up… (ie: brief case folders or whatever inside the case and sometimes stuff on outside)

3.removing original long hinges that connects top and bottom case and adding removable hinges(so that case top comes off). Also replacing all four feet to slightly taller ones so it doesn’t damage new hinges.

4.installing eurorack power bus, rails…

*Each case I find is in different condition so they all require slightly different jobs…

*There are a lot of small details to make each cases look nice and function properly~

All cases are already in vintage used condition so they all have scratches and imperfections but that’s part of the cool patina factor for these cases!

This particular one is probably from 60s… and will stay strong for another 60 years easily!

It had a lot of scratches so this one had a lot of cleaning and polishing to make it shiny like an airstream travel trailers!!! Thx to John from Pulp Logic for an amazing job on this!

7U Case = 3U+1U(pulp logic style)+3U 96hp/Row

Pulp logic power

2amps +12

2amps -12

2amps +5

comes with tile splitters for Pulp Logic 1U tile modules...

Do you wanna know more about Halliburton cases??

Check out below~


画像: Pulp Logic Halliburton Eurorack Modular Travel Case #7048 売却済
John LennonもHalliburton!
画像: Pulp Logic Halliburton Eurorack Modular Travel Case #7048 売却済
Ringo StarrもHalliburton!
画像: Pulp Logic Halliburton Eurorack Modular Travel Case #7048 売却済

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