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Intellijel Designs Triplatt 



Triple Attenuator / Inverter / Attenuverter / Multiplier / Adder / Mixer / DC Voltage Source

Triple the control

Sometimes you just need a quick audio mixer; a voltage offset; a CV mixer; an attenuator; an attenuverter; or just a voltage. Mix and match to your needs.


Wrangle those signals and dial in those voltages.

Triplatt is a three-channel active/buffered attenuverter and summing mixer. Each channel has a knob, which can function as a unipolar attenuator or a bipolar attenuverter, depending on the setting of its corresponding two-position polarity switch. It’s a versatile and super handy utility module that will find its way into almost any patch you make!

Each input is normalled to a built-in +5V DC voltage source. With nothing plugged into the jacks, each knob controls a voltage range of 0 to +5 V or -5 to +5 V depending on the position of the channel polarity switch.

Each output is normalled to mix into the output of the channel below, making it possible to do sub mixes in groups of two or three.

In addition, each channel has a “special function” switch to alter its input voltage in a specific way. Channel A has a 2x voltage multiplier switch, allowing you to double the voltage sent into Channel A. Channel B has a +5V switch, allowing you to add 5V to whatever voltage is sent into Channel B. Channel C has a mute switch, allowing you to completely turn off the signal being sent into Channel C.


  • Triple Attenuator / Inverter / Attenuverter / Multiplier / Adder / Mixer / DC Voltage Source
  • Two Modes for each channel (Positive or Bipolar)
  • Additional “special function” for each channel
  • Precision 5v source normalling to all three inputs
  • Dual color led for monitoring each individual output
  • Skiff  / Palette friendly

Specs + Downloads

Power49mA @ +12V
25mA @ -12V
ManualManual (2019.07.09)
FirmwareNo Firmware

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