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Malekko QUAD LFO Black

販売価格: 48,900円

重さ: 1lb



Quad LFO includes 4 LFO generators and outputs, each with 16 steps of automation recording and autosave or expanded preset functions when used in conjunction with Varigate 4+ and Varigate 8+.

Each channel can be programmed to output an individual LFO with automation recording. Simply hold the RECORD button and move the sliders for Frequency, Phase, Shape, Distort and Level to animate each of these settings for a given channel. Autosave in stand-alone mode or save settings up to 16 presets with Varigate 4+ and 100 with Vargate 8+.

Set each LFO to trigger via one of the 4 individual gate inputs, or set channels 2 through 4 to follow channel 1 for quadrature and phase modulation. Change the direction of each channel of sequenced automation to Forward, Reverse, Pendulum or Random. Switch the playback speed and style between Fast, Slow or Tempo Sync. There are also inputs for both Clock and Reset.

The Quad Envelope adds another dimension of control to live performance and recording.

Features include:

4 LFOs, each with it’s own individual output
16 steps of automation recording for LFO settings per channel (+ Clear Automation function)
Set each LFO to follow or trigger via one of the 4 gate inputs
Forward, Reverse, Pendulum and Random switch for sequenced automation direction.
Autosave stand-alone or save up to 16 presets with Varigate 4+ and 100 with Varigate 8+
Switch between Fast, Slow or Tempo Sync per LFO
Clock in
Reset in

Weight 0.5 lbs

Dimensions 6 x 3.5 x 3.25 in

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